29 August 2022

It has been 100 days since Robertson voted for change and elected emergency doctor, Dr Gordon Reid, its new federal representative in Canberra.

Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP has reflected on his first 100 days in office and highlighted some of the key election promises that have been achieved during the period.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out into the Robertson community and meeting with residents and listening to the issues that are important to them since becoming the Member for Robertson. I have been able to host my first mobile office in Springfield and have several more over the coming weeks across the electorate”. Said Dr Reid.

“I am proud to be a part of an Albanese Labor Government that has wasted no time getting on with the job of governing and building a better future for the Central Coast and Australia” Dr Reid Said.

“Already, the Albanese Labor Government has been able to pass a range of legislation that delivers on our election promises. This includes acting on climate change, after a decade of neglect by the former government, and establishing a new emissions reduction target and committing to net zero by 2050. Passing legislation for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave, successfully arguing to increase the minimum wage, and beginning to fix the issues affecting aged care”. Said Dr Reid

“Importantly, the Albanese Government has been progressing an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. All Australians will have an opportunity to vote at a referendum on whether the Australian Government should enshrine in the constitution an Indigenous Voice that will act as an advisory body to the government of the day, on matters affecting and about First Nations people. I will be supporting an Indigenous Voice and will encourage residents in Robertson to do so too”. Dr Reid said.

“During my first fortnight in the Australian Parliament, I delivered my maiden speech in the House of Representatives, where I provided a vision of what I will achieve and work towards delivering over my term in Parliament. I am committed to delivering on all my election promises and will not take this role for granted” Dr Reid said.

“I am also proud to have been given the opportunity to be on the Health, Aged Care and Sport Committee, where I will work towards achieving positive progress in these portfolio areas and assisting the Minister”. Dr Reid said.

“There’s more to do and I would like to again encourage any resident on the Central Coast to reach out to our office if you ever require assistance with any level of government issue”. Dr Reid said.