Applications for the Federal Labor Government’s Community Childcare Fund (CCCF) are now open.
A total of $84 million in new CCCF grants are available to help support the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) needs of families in communities of high need.
CCCF provides funding to services in communities experiencing disadvantage, and services in regional, rural, and remote locations to stay open and increase the number of children accessing ECEC.
Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP:
“Access to early childhood education and care services is becoming increasingly difficult for families on the Central Coast.
“The Federal Labor Government is making a concerted effort to address this situation and enable more families to access high-quality ECEC services in the region.
“The availability of ECEC services was a top concern of providers, educators, and families following a forum discussing the sector on the Central Coast recently.
“The funding being provided by the Federal Labor Government will enable providers to undertake minor to moderate capital works including repairing, modifying, renovating, or extending existing ECEC facilities.
“Additionally, the funding can also be used to improve the viability and financial sustainability of providers’ services.
“I am encouraging eligible ECEC providers on the Central Coast to review the grant guidelines and apply”, Dr Reid said.
For more information and to apply, visit:
Applications close at 9pm March 8, 2024.