05 July 2022

An annual day-long campaign to help residents doing it tough and struggling with household repairs will take place on August 26, 2022, after a 3-year COVID-19 hiatus.

Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP has met with founder and owner of Terrigal Electrical, Ryan Wilson, to learn more about this year’s campaign and to offer support.

“Free Trade Day started in 2017 and for two years made a real difference to people in the community who were unable to repair household items or address maintenance issues due to financial circumstances” Dr Reid said.

“Ryan Wilson and his colleagues from Free Trade Day have founded something very special which has previously materialised into a national day where tradespeople and sponsors band together and help people who may otherwise be unable to repair household items or undertake maintenance work”. Said Dr Reid.

“This year, Free Trade Day is coming back bigger than ever after being restricted by COVID-19 lockdowns. They are encouraging Central Coast businesses, large and small, to get behind the campaign. These tradespeople cannot undertake their work without the generous support of local businesses, and I urge our community if they can, to make a sponsorship to this life-changing campaign”. Dr Reid said.

“I would like to thank all the tradespeople and businesses that have already contributed to previous years’ and look forward to the impact this year’s Free Trade Day will have. Said Dr Reid.

Founder and owner of Terrigal Electrical, Mr Ryan Wilson has spoken about the reason why Free Trade Day was set up.

“Free Trade Day was a concept which was discussed after a job a few years ago where a blind 96-year-old war veteran had an electrical fault in his hot water system. This gentleman went without hot water for 18 months and was showering with cold water every day. Due to this man’s physical and financial situation, he was unable to get this fault repaired sooner. This man made me realise how many others out there that may be in similar circumstances and who might not have the financial ability to get essential items or maintenance issues repaired. This then led to the creation of Free Trade Day”. Mr Wilson said.

“Since its creation, we have had such an unbelievable amount of support from local businesses, radio stations and even national breakfast shows”. Mr Wilson said.

“We’re planning on this year being our biggest day yet and we are encouraging members of the community to jump onto our online website and nominate any family or friends who they think might need some assistance around the house to repair essential items or undertake some maintenance work”. Mr Wilson said.

“We are also making a call out to any potential tradespeople or businesses that might like to participate in the day by offering their services. Tradespeople who have helped in the past get a real sense of worth and understanding of community charity and what a difference their service can make to the lives of people doing it tough. Mr Wilson said.

Free Trade Day will take place on August 26, 2022, nominations will open this month on July 18 and open only to the Central Coast. The Lions Club of Terrigal-Wamberal are helping facilitate the day and organisation of the campaign.

To donate, volunteer or to nominate someone for Free Trade Day visit www.freetradeday.com.au