A rising local cricket star from Holy Cross Catholic School in Kincumber has been spoken about in Federal Parliament.
Elizabeth Brannan, who is a member of the Kincumber-Avoca Cricket Club, was recently awarded the Girls’ Encouragement Award, following her sportsmanship during the Master Blasters program.
The Member for Robertson has recognised this achievement by speaking about her in the House of Representatives and congratulated her on this award.
Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP, says its excellent to see young people get involved in sport.
“I would like to congratulate Elizabeth Brannan on her sporting award and for her participation in cricket on the Central Coast”, Dr Reid said.
“We know what the benefits of regular exercise are and how involvement in sport can increase concentration at school and strengthen interpersonal skills”.
“It is great to be told about local sporting achievements, like Elizabeth’s, and to be able to recognise them in the Australian Parliament”, Dr Reid said.
Dr Reid presented Elizabeth with a copy of his speech, which has now been recorded in Hansard, at a school assembly.
“I visited Holy Cross Catholic School during its regular Friday assembly and presented Elizabeth with a copy of my speech, and in front of teachers, students, and parents”.
“I made sure Elizabeth’s parents, David and Salina Brannan, were notified in advance so they could see their daughter recognised”.
Dr Reid frequently recognises community members who have demonstrated extraordinary achievements in a range of categories.
To read Dr Reid’s speech in Hansard, visit: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Hansard/Hansard_Display?bid=chamber/hansardr/26433/&sid=0313
If you think you know a person who should be recognised in the Australian Parliament, visit Dr Reid’s website to register: https://www.drgordonreidmp.com.au/community-support/community-recognition/