07 November 2022

Hylton Moore Oval playspace has received an upgrade thanks to Federal Government funding, contributions from Central Coast Council, and East Gosford Football Club.

The playspace upgrade included a sports theme, new park furniture, landscaping, and softfall to improve accessibility and inclusion.

Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP announced the completion of the upgrade with Central Coast Council Spokesperson and Unit Manager, Open Space & Recreation, Mr Brett Sherar.

“Hylton Moore Oval is one of my favourite recreation areas to visit, the ovals are always green and there’s plenty of space for a range of activities. The recent upgrade to Hylton Moore Oval playspace is outstanding and will be thoroughly enjoyed by the surrounding community and visitors”. Dr Reid said.

“Investments in community infrastructure is critical for a healthy society. We have seen during the COVID-19 pandemic the importance recreation areas and playspaces are for people’s health and wellbeing, and I am confident that this upgraded playspace will benefit residents for many years into the future”. Dr Reid said.

“I thank Central Coast Council and its employees for their work completing this upgrade and providing an excellent community improvement for East Gosford and surrounding suburbs to enjoy”. Said Dr Reid.

Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart said playspaces are important hubs for community play and social connections - where people of all ages can connect, socialise, play, learn and lead active lifestyles together.

“Funding from the Australian Government has enabled Council to create a safe and engaging playspace for the enjoyment of local families and visitors to the sports oval, with additional contributions from the East Gosford Football Club funding accessible pathways.

“This renewed playspace at Hylton Moore Oval is a great example of a high quality playspace that includes popular infrastructure such as net climbing equipment and swings, which also features rubber and connective concrete pathways to improve accessibility and inclusion.”

The Federal Government provided $105,000 through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and $5000 was provided by Central Coast Council towards the upgrade. In addition, East Gosford Football Club provided $5000 for the construction of an accessible pathway from the playspace entry to the carpark.