06 July 2023

A community petition calling on local, state, and federal governments to upgrade Saratoga Oval has been launched by Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP, alongside community members and sports organisations.

The oval is a much-loved community recreation space that sits on the Saratoga waterfront.

The oval has been used by several sporting clubs in the past, including the Saratoga Hawks, and Kincumber-Avoca Cricket Club.

Due to inadequate drainage the oval becomes unsuitable to use during much of the year and after periods of wet weather.

Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP, says Saratoga Oval presents an opportunity for all levels of government to work together on an outstanding community project.

“Saratoga Oval is located in a truly breathtaking location, although it is seriously underutilised because of inadequate infrastructure”, Dr Reid said.

“I have met with sports and community groups, and we have decided the best way forward is to establish a community petition, calling on local support to get an upgrade for the oval”.

“The oval requires drainage works, upgrades to sports facilities, improved access, and a play space. This petition is calling on all levels of government to take this project seriously and consider funding for this project”, Dr Reid said.

“Our region deserves outstanding community spaces and infrastructure, and Saratoga Oval is no exception. I want to see this project come to life and I will continue advocating on behalf of my community”.

Quotes attributable to Taia Sansom, Group President, 3 Villages Community Group:

“I have spoken about this project with government leaders and the Administrator, Directors and Managers of Central Coast Council for the past four years with no result to date”, Ms Sansom said.

“There are inadequate sports areas in Davistown and Saratoga for the youth. We do have valuable sporting assets which are extremely under-utilised or at most - not used at all because they are in flood most of the year”.

“Please support the upgrade by signing the petition to help renew a significant sporting oval.” Said Taia Sansom, Group President, 3 Villages Community Group.

Quotes attributable to Ben Campbell, President, Kincumber Avoca Cricket Club:

“Kincumber Avoca Cricket Club are excited by the prospect that Dr Gordon Reid is supporting local sport and the community by improving Saratoga oval”, Said Mr Campbell.

“We have used this ground for many seasons but have been unable to recently based on its current condition. We look forward to seeing cricket and other community events being held there again in the future”. 

Quotes attributable to Suzanne Petrie, President, Saratoga Hawks:

“Our club has grown dramatically over the past 5 years but unfortunately only our younger teams can currently play games at Saratoga. It is hard to run home games at two different grounds for different age groups, so we generally don’t play games at Saratoga anymore”, Ms Petrie said.

“We have had to share other home grounds with other clubs, which brings its own challenges. This has meant that many children have left the sport (or didn’t even try it despite being interested) as logistically it’s just too difficult for families”.

If Saratoga Oval was upgraded, it would mean that our club would have a proper home again. Children of all ages could play the sport they love within their own community, and community members could watch and support their local team at their local oval”, Ms Petrie said.

“This would enhance our sense of belonging within the community, something missing currently. Sadly, people currently refer to us as the Homeless Hawks. We want to be back home at Saratoga Oval - the mighty Saratoga Hawks”.

To sign the petition, scan the QR code or visit:

For a paper-based petition, contact Dr Reid’s office by emailing [email protected] or call (02) 4322 2400.