01 July 2022

The Push-Up Challenge is an annual national initiative that promotes mental health awareness and much-needed funds for mental health charities. Australians participate in a 24-day challenge that requires them to complete 3,139 push-ups over the course of this period. This figure represents the 3,139 people who have sadly taken their lives in 2020.

Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP joined with Benny Morton, a 2022 participant and registered nurse at Gosford Hospital, to support him on his final day of his 24-day push-up challenge.

“Benny recently reached out to me over social media and asked whether I would be happy to join him as he recorded his final day of his challenge. As a fellow medical colleague and a mental health advocate myself, I was more than willing to lend my support”. Dr Reid said.

“Mental health awareness is close to my heart and as someone who has seen it firsthand in our emergency departments and the impacts it has across the wider community, any support I can provide to raise awareness or funding means a great deal to me”. Dr Reid said.

“In our country, nine Australians take their lives everyday and 75% of this figure are male. We need to be doing more as a nation to reduce this frightening statistic and initiatives like The Push-Up Challenge work to make that change in Australia”. Said Dr Reid.

“Already this year, the challenge has raised over nine and a half million dollars. This is an incredible outcome and I thank Benny and every other 2022 participant for helping achieve this figure and contributing to mental health awareness”. Dr Reid said.

Benny Morton, 2022 participant and registered nurse has said that this year’s challenge has been emphatically supported by his family, friends and work colleagues.

“The support I have received this year has been phenomenal. I have managed to raise over $3,000 towards mental health charities including Lifeline and Movember”. Mr Morten said.

“Each day I have been recording my push-ups to catalogue my progress and to show the people who have joined me throughout my 24 days. I was very appreciative to Dr Reid for agreeing to feature in my final video and for the support that he can bring to this cause”. Mr Morten said.

“I encourage residents to get behind next year’s challenge and be a part of this great initiative. You will get fit, healthier and importantly improve mental health awareness not only for yourself but many others in Australia”. Mr Morton said.

“I will again participate in next year’s challenge and hope to convince a few more of my family and friends to get onboard too”. Mr Morton said.

The Push-Up Challenge started in 2017 when a group of friends decided to get healthier for summer. They each agreed to do 3,000 push-ups and to motivate and support each other over the period. From this initial year, it has continued to grow and expand into the annual event that has seen over 170,000 Australians participate and raise awareness and funds for mental health.

The Push-Up Challenge occurs each year from June 1 until June 24. To get involved and for more information about registering for next year’s challenge, visit: https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/home

Benny Morton’s final push-up challenge Facebook video: https://fb.watch/dW2833zqwK/