01 June 2022

The federal office of the Member for Robertson is now open and ready to assist residents with federal government department and community issues.

Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP says that he is looking forward to assisting residents in the Robertson electorate with federal government enquiries and community issues as well as being the strong representation he was elected to be.

“It’s great to now have an official office space where the team and I are able to get down to business and start working to represent residents at a federal level”. Dr Reid said.

“Our office will be able to assist with key federal government departments including Services Australia, veteran affairs, defence, industrial relations and many more”. Said Dr Reid.

Dr Reid has encouraged residents to visit, call or email his office if they have an issue or any matters that he can resolve.

“Not only will my office be able to assist with federal government departments, but I am also particularly interested in hearing the good stories in our community or information about people who deserve recognition for any great work they are doing. We tend to think that MP’s only help during times of difficulty, but I am very interested in knowing the positive stories happening around our community too”. Dr Reid said.

“Our office will always be ready and prepared to assist residents should they reach out for assistance. Our team will always be accessible and always be dependable”. Dr Reid said.

“The next three years will see my office and I working to best serve the Robertson electorate and deliver on the commitments that the Albanese Labor Government made during the 2022 Federal Election. This includes improvements to healthcare and road infrastructure, addressing the costs of living, and action on climate change”. Dr Reid said.

“Over the coming days and weeks, our office and I will be organising listening posts to provide an opportunity for residents to meet their local federal MP and discuss matters of importance”. Dr Reid said.

“Our office will work constructively with all Members of Parliament and regardless of political persuasion to get the best outcomes for the people of the Central Coast”. Dr Reid said.

Dr Reid’s office is in the Riverside Building, Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford. Opening hours are 9am to 5pm, weekdays. Dr Reid can be contacted on (02) 4322 2400 or [email protected]

Dr Reid’s office is disability accessible and a safe space for all members of the community.