08 September 2022

Umina United Soccer Club has received funding from the Federal Government’s 2021-22 Volunteer Grants to replenish first aid equipment, service club defibrillators and provide first aid training.

Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP made a visit to Umina United Soccer Club at Umina Oval and met with club secretary, Jenni Hill, and Junior Rep, Abbie Battley, to congratulate the club.

“I always enjoy visiting my hometown of Umina Beach, especially making a visit to Umina Oval where I have fond memories from when I was a young boy living only a few streets away”. Dr Reid said.

“I am pleased that the Federal Government funding will make a significant impact at Umina United Soccer Club. We all know how important it is that defibrillators are available during emergencies at sports games. Even more important is having the first aid training required before emergency services arrive”. Said Dr Reid.

“I look forward to having a strong working relationship with Umina United Soccer Club over my term in Federal Parliament”. Dr Reid said.

Umina United Soccer Club Secretary, Ms Jenni Hill, said this grant will ensure the club is prepared for emergencies.

“Umina United Soccer Club is one of the largest soccer clubs on the Central Coast, and accordingly, we need to be able to respond when a health incident arises on the field”. Ms Hill said.

“This grant will be used to replace club first aid supplies, service our defibrillators and ensure club volunteers know how to properly use our defibrillators”. Said Ms Hill.